Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Daffodils eveywhere you look....

Primroses blossoming along the roadside verges

Camillias of all different colors.....

A stall in Lymington market

Delicious pork pies

Pheasants seen busy feeding in all the fields

One of the highlights of my trip was observing Long-tailed Tits

I watched a pair of Long-tailed Tits constructing their nest. If you look closely you can see the cobweb strand in the beak - they use this to contruct their nest along with lichen.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wood Duck

This morning I photographed a male Wood Duck in breeding plumage near the Valley Green Inn. There were at least 3 pairs paired up, as well as 3 additional males waiting for females to arrive. You could hear their high-pitched call notes . There was a Wood Duck box located about 10 feet high along the bank of the Wissahickon River. Hopefully one of these pairs will be utilizing this box soon.Wissahickon River in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Canon EOS 50D
500mm f4
ISO 640
1/1000 sec
Aperture 6.3
Exposure mode Av
Compensation -1/3

photo © Jane Binns